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how to do new account for app store

how to do new account for app store

Of course at the beginning it should be mentioned that app store is an existing application by default in camels devices like iphone and iPad or iPod touch Toti_ and newly Odvavh this application for Macs. Let's make it clear that there are several shops in this application store Arabia, and the Canadian store, and the store british, and the US Store.

Modus operandi account in Father Storr

What are the differences between these shops? Differences are there for each shop from the stores of certain statistics for the country you are of your choice. I mean, if you open an account and have become Bokhtar Saudi Store Store offers me more programs that are downloaded by the Saudis and so on.

How do you pay the amount of applications in the store? We have two options, either to link our account card Alatmanah buy or her name card (apple gift card) This card We buy and where, for example, the amount of $ 50 and become strapped Bhsabna and whenever we bought a deduction for the value of even the balance on their ends

The functioning of a free account at Father Storr first step we open the application , and then we go to any game or application provided that it is free and then put pressure on the word (free) and then put pressure on the word (install app) floor for the first push them if we have the account and want to log in directly but if we want to start the registration process at the store put pressure on the second floor out our screen we choose which store the country that we want to record it. But from my point of view the selection of the store America because if you want to think about buying card and want to linking the account does not Tsttie so unless you choose the American Store show us where the screen conditions Store put pressure on the "agree" After what we read it and then we write e - mail in which we want to register it, we have a secret question and answer it, and at last we record the date of birth and must be true and we maintain good for you if you want the account to modify or if you forget the password they ask you about history the password is complex it must be composed of at least 8 characters as it should be in it Capital symbols and the numbers, and you should not Ttaker letters or numbers to three times either because options are found within the end the point them to ask you if you want to buy the site even receive offers and news on e - mail , put that best suits the person and then move to the page that followed to this page show we first column Vnkhtar payment method (Visa - MasterCard) As for the person who wants to be the account without a card or other payment method selects a word (none) , but the word (none) came out to us that we have to download a free application. But if we did not come out from among the options to make sure that we did not choose a free program and then we fill in the data that fit each person according to his desire. The box (code) it is the box that put the serial number of the card if the person has a card and wants to associate with his account complete data and then we turn the page Caused If all the data intact and there is no where anything goes wrong out our page that describes Lta we have to register Store and then go for e - mail to complete the registration process and verify ownership of e - mail we Login to the letter in question and simply pull the word verify Now and then opens us to a page in the site Apple asks us to write e - mail and password you've chosen , and so we have recorded safely


1. Each of the stores own card. There Qmthela British card and there is an American card, but if you buy a US card accept what the British account and vice versa

2. At times , there are some cuts for the game or a particular application and the price cut Qz than two dollars , for example , to the free application, but when you attempt to afford does not accept you and asks you to purchase. Here it must be a reduction includes users of foreign shops Kalmtger the American or the British because they are in most of the times they get offers downloading game paid free of charge for a limited period

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