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Natural recipe to remove facial hair and body final

Natural recipe to remove facial hair and body final

Amazing recipe for hair removal from the body and face without definitively to grow again!

Some believe that this is impossible, but we offer this recipe for hair removal final

There is no better mixes and recipes of nature to remove excess hair on the face and body and the emergence of excess hair cause a lot of especially on the face embarrassment because excess hair on the face to the many factors that illusions are genetic factors or disruption in the work of hormones in the body or are taking certain medications that increase hair growth.
And use recipes natural hair removal is the preferred option for many girls and women, the spectrum is due to be safer, cheaper and give noticeable results in a final hair removal and permanently and I advise you , dear need for patience and to preserve the qualities of hair removal even comes their results and make it part of the routine weekly for body care and skin.


Brown sugar with lemon juice

The mixture is working on a final hair removal Bamadaomh every week on them, only Mix three tablespoons of brown sugar with the hanging Dgar of lemon juice and three tablespoons of water to form a mixture is placed on the hair growth areas in the direction of hair growth and leave on the skin for 15 minutes and then rub the skin in a circular fashion and wash the skin with water, lemon works on skin-lightening and astringent to the pores of the skin and brown sugar to get rid of excess hair.

Honey and lemon mixtures of the best hair permanently removed

Considered to mix magic to get rid of excess hair and prevent hair re-growth, the spectrum mixing hanging precariously from the honey bee with a small half-hanging from the lemon juice, then put on the fire a little bit and leave to cool and then placed on the skin in the direction of hair growth and massaged the skin every minute while leaving the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes and then removed with warm water, repeat the recipe of honey and lemon to remove the hair twice a week or a month and then Daomy them once a week after the piece and Adjalleha of the weekly routine skin care to have.

Recipe starch and lemon

A great recipe to get rid of excess hair on the face and narrow pores of extensive skin and the piece mixing hanging from starch or oatmeal with a few drops of lemon juice, then put on excess hair areas on the face and leave for 10 minutes and then rub the skin well and wash with lukewarm water.

Chickpea flour, turmeric methods of hair removal final

Mix hanging from turmeric with the hanging of chickpea flour and supplemented hung from the yoghurt, then placed on the skin for 10 minutes to dry and rub in a circular motion the direction of hair growth and then wash the skin with warm water, and reiterates recipe turmeric to remove hair once a week.

Thermos to prevent hair growth permanently

Is the recipe thermos bitter of the most famous recipes prevent hair re-growth, only a national soak thermos ground in water and leave at night until the morning and then a descriptive mixture, then a national remove waxing or shaving or sweetness to remove hair and licked Bmenkua thermos on the skin daily for at least two weeks will you notice the slow growth of hair in those areas and keeping their Zcefh thermos will Tqlly the number of times hair removal.

A detailed explanation another to prevent the growth of hair permanently using a thermos to reach idea!

It helps drenched thermos in the final hair removal after use sweetness in hair removal. Available in the market two types of thermos: thermos bitter and sweet lupine, lupine need here to the bitter, bitter lupine Soak in water for 8 hours. And after using wax or sweetness or any of the methods of hair removal completely natural materials on any area of ​​the body parts, licked the water soak thermos on that region, Keep it daily for three weeks. You will get a noticeable result in slowing down the growth of hair and finally stopped if you attendance on it. So by continuing national thereby to remove hair permanently.

Ginger to reduce hair growth

Is ginger from natural materials that reduce the growth of hair again, and the piece after evaluating hair removal a national rubbing a piece of ginger on the skin and Artkiha for two hours and then wash the skin with lukewarm water and Put Karim moist, and repeat the process after all the hair removing unwanted and gradually will you notice the difference on the skin and the rate of hair growth.

Saad plant

Saad, the use of plant we take three of the plant powder and added to a liter of water and raise the fire to boil and then left to soak for a quarter of an hour and then placed on the body Lye after removing the hair for six consecutive days of each month

Note: The test must be done to any of the previous recipes set point of the mixture on the back of the hand and wait for 10 minutes to make sure there are no allergic to any of the components

Recipes to get rid of facial hair permanently

1. Mask turmeric and chickpea flour

Turmeric is considered one of the most material that reduces hair growth also has an anti-bacterial effect.
Mix equal amounts of turmeric and chickpea flour and add a small amount of water you get a thick paste and leave it on your face to dry completely and then Afrckah using a damp cloth and rinse your face with cold water.
You can use turmeric and water only in the case of non - availability of chickpea flour.

2. Mask turmeric, papaya

Mash the fruit of one of the papaya with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and massage the face with this mixture for 15 minutes then rinse with water. Repeats this mixture once a week and you'll notice the disappearance of excess hair after a short period.

3. Mask turmeric and milk

The amount of turmeric mixed with a little milk until complete homogenization and massage the face with this mixture in circular motions, then leave for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water.

4. Mask eggs

This mask works the same way in wax hair removal less painful, but it also prevents hair reappear when Continuously use.
Mix the egg and one egg with one tablespoon of sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of corn flour until the mixture becomes a smooth paste in a photo and Aferdih on your face and leave it to dry completely and then you'll notice Anzeih and exit capillaries with catcher with ease and less pain.

5. Mask honey and lemon

Mix 4 tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice, then put the mixture on your face in the same direction as hair growth and leave for 15 minutes then rinse with cold water. Catcher repeats this twice a week to get effective results and to get rid of excess hair forever.

  • Drink a glass of boiled mint a day working on the organization of the level of hormones in the body. You can use dried or fresh mint leaves.
  • Domi on the use of these simple mixtures to get rid of unwanted hair once and you get a softer glow skin.

The last way to ease the pain once and   ( surprise )

The surprise is toothpaste! Placed on sensitive or face the area or armpit for 5 minutes and then cleared completely and carried out the removal process, and the pain will make you weak or even does not exist

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